Arrival and departure
Arrival departure
You can enter your accommodation after 3 pm on the day of arrival. The reception is open until 5 PM on arrival days. If you are unable to arrive before this time due to circumstances, please contact the reception. The departure time on the day of departure is at 10 am.
What to do on departure:
- Remove bed linen from the beds and stack the linen (also towels and kitchen towels) and place it at the bottom of the stairs
- Leave the moltons on the beds
- Check inventory and report any breakage or damage at the reception
- Set the thermostat to 10 degrees
- Empty and clean up the dishwasher
- Turn off the refrigerator
- Deposit garbage in closed bags in the container near the swimming pool
- Please store glass in the bottle bank
- Put patio furniture back on the terrace
- Leave villa broom clean.
When you are checked out, a final check is carried out. We check for cleanliness, any inventory defects and / or damage done.